

Inspired by Terry Pratchett

After watching the three television mini-series of the Hogfather, Going Postal and The Colour of Magic, I digitally illustrated the characters from some of my favourite scenes in the programme. 

Arctic Fox and Friends

A series of illustrations centred around an Arctic Fox who has the uncanny ability to disappear into the Winter Landscapes so well that his friends struggle to see him. I digitally illustrated them with the intention to keep them very simplistic in design.

The Elf with Green Hair

A character design experiment where the only prompts I had were to make a Waitress Elf character. I chose a slightly more modern aesthetic with a soft design, but really liked the idea of incorporating nature elements, such as the green hair and pointed ears.

Snow White

A short series of watercolours based on the Grimm Brother’s fairy tale of Snow White. I painted each one traditionally on textured paper to allow the paint to pool in interesting ways, and create it’s own texture.

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